Do You Know...
Over 95% of the world's population has health problems, with nearly a third having more than five ailments, and many of these life changing.
Just one in 20 people worldwide (4.3%) had no health problems in 2013, with a third of the world's population (2.3 billion individuals) experiencing more than five ailments.
- The Lancet, 2015 -
It is estimated that 415 million people are living with diabetes in the world, which is estimated to be about 1 in 11 of the world's adult population. 46% of people with diabetes are undiagnosed.
The figure is expected to rise to 642 million people living with diabetes worldwide by 2040.
- Diabetes UK, 2024 -
A study of over 65 year olds from 11 countries showed that: -
- Only 20% have no health problems
- Over 80% have 1 or more health problems
- 26% have over 3 health problems
And the worse country in the world?
The USA, with Europe closely behind!
- CIHI, 2022 -

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About Genesis Natural Healing
By taking a holistic approach and addressing the root cause, discover how fasting, intermittent fasting and appropriate restrictive eating can help in the treatment of long-term Chronic Health Conditions, help with Weight Loss, help with Conventional Cancer Treatment and reduce associated chemotherapy side effects, and help to give you an improved Lifestyle with the most important part of that being improved Health and Longevity.

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Anyone can state something is good for you and there is a lot of that on the internet, but the important part is to have that statement backed up by science, research, trials or studies. That said, not every study is necessary a good study, it depends on many factors, like who is leading it, team size, sample size, specific tests, test data samples.
Beware of eye-catching headlines about miracles, cures, superfoods and similar, we are sure you have seen these - you should always have the full information to hand and you should always make up your own mind from the evidence and the facts, don't rely on unscrupulous marketeers!
You get full access to our extensive Genesis Library and notified of future scientific research, studies, trials, blogs, podcasts and information on general wellbeing, including fasting, intermittent fasting, supplementation, ORAC, exercise and what's new in this exciting world. Keep up to date with what is good for you, health benefits and how to potentially increase longevity - we do all the hard work - you receive the access and updates, and read them at your leisure. We will continually be sending you new research, studies and useful information that we think can help you to achieve your own personal goals with your health and future lifestyle.
This is a great investment in your future health and longevity, to improve your lifestyle and get the most out of life - isn't that one of the most important things in life, isn't your future health and longevity worth such a small price - we think so - take that step now, even if you just give it a try for a short time, you have nothing to lose but much to gain!